Rift valley: definition and geologic significance
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: geography and morphology
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: volcanism and seismicity
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: geologic evolution
the cradle of mankind
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Presentation of the book "Geologia e Paesaggi della Rift Valley in Etiopia", 11 Marzo 2013
the flyer of the event
Introduction by Alberto tesi, rector of the university of florence
the rector Alberto tesi
(mario tozzi on the right)
rector Alberto tesi
rector Alberto tesi, again
giacomo corti
prof piero manetti
mario tozzi discussing with prof manetti
the presentation has been held in the aula magna of the university of florence
mario tozzi
friends of ethiopia (and not). from left to right: lorenzo meriggi, federico sani, tsegaye abebe
the audience
introduction by prof. chelazzi
For more information please contact:
Giacomo Corti
, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
Via G. La Pira, 4, 50121 Firenze, Italia - Email: giacomo.corti@igg.cnr.it | Telephone: +390552757524